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Should I go outside with a cold?
Why do children always seem to catch colds?
Does a pregnant woman with the flu affect her baby?
Based on the initial symptoms, can you distinguish between COVID-19 and a cold or flu?
Should antibiotics be taken for colds?
How to prevent colds?
Why don't colds have a vaccine?

Answer with Cam Xuyen Huong

Use aspirin for children with colds?
Use aspirin for children with colds?


When a child has a cold, do not use aspirin. Because this medicine has been linked to Reye's syndrome - which is potentially life-threatening to a child.

Do not take antibiotics for colds?
Do not take antibiotics for colds?

Antibiotics are used to fight bacteria while new viruses are the known cause of colds. Therefore, antibiotics are not a specific medicine for colds. 

How to prevent colds?
How to prevent colds?

Although there is no vaccine to prevent the common cold, you can take steps to prevent the spread of the virus that causes it:

  • Wash hands clean. Always wash your hands frequently and properly with soap and water. At the same time, you also need to talk to young children about the importance of hand washing and teach them how to wash their hands. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
  • Disinfect furniture. Always clean kitchen and bathroom countertops with disinfectants and disinfectants, especially when someone in the family has a cold. In addition, children's toys also need to be cleaned periodically.
  • Use paper towels. Cough and sneeze into disposable tissues and dispose of them in the trash after use. Then, remember to wash your hands carefully. If a tissue isn't available, learn to cough or sneeze into your elbow instead of covering your mouth with your hand.
  • Do not share utensils. Do not share drinking glasses or personal utensils with family members, especially with someone who has a cold.
  • Take care of yourself. Eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, and managing stress can all help prevent colds.
  • Don't go to crowded places during a cold or flu outbreak.
Should not go outside with a cold?
Should not go outside with a cold?

You're contagious for the first few days of a cold, so it's best to stay home afterward. You need to be careful when coughing and sneezing around others.

In addition, you will recover faster if you are rested.

Is it dangerous to catch a cold while on chemotherapy?

People who are receiving chemotherapy are more likely to catch colds and flu because the treatments weaken their immune systems. This condition can lead to serious problems. Therefore, you need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of colds, flu and other infections.

What complications can a child with a cold lead to?
During the transition period, respiratory diseases in children often increase, especially colds. In order for children to receive the best care when they have a cold, parents need to know how to properly care for their children at home, as well as know when to take their children to a medical facility.
When to take antibiotics for sinusitis
Sinusitis is a common nasopharyngeal pathology, which causes many unpleasant symptoms and affects the quality of life of patients. In case of sinusitis confirmed diagnosis due to a bacterial agent, antibiotic therapy is necessary to improve symptoms and prevent dangerous complications.
COVID-19 is a disease caused by a virus. The most common symptoms are fever, chills, and sore throat, but there are a range of others.
Allergic Rhinitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Seasonal allergic rhinitis or prolonged itching, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and sometimes conjunctivitis, caused by exposure to pollen or other allergens.

6 warning signs that the condition is worse than the common cold

Colds are respiratory diseases, which occur commonly, caused by viral infections. Although the level is not as severe as the flu, it still causes patients to feel tired, lack of energy for daily activities

Can use CXH for children?

When the weather changes, or maybe for some reason, children catch cold, their resistance is weakened, leading to the appearance of cold symptoms such as: cough, fever, runny nose, stuffy nose, crying, etc. These are beneficial reactions of the body to protect itself against pathogens, very common not only in children but also in adults.

Burden of influenza in the elderly
Influenza is appearing no longer seasonally and affects all target groups, especially the elderly, and causes significant consequences.
10 signs of COVID-19 like the common flu

Flu and COVID-19 may have common symptoms. Here are 10 common symptoms of COVID-19 that resemble the common flu…

Diagnosis and treatment of influenza H7N9

Specimens for the diagnosis of avian influenza in individuals are nasal swabs, throat swabs, nasopharyngeal rinses from patients or from lung tissues of deceased patients.

Regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of death from flu, pneumonia

At least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity has been shown to improve outcomes in patients with influenza or pneumonia.

Pregnant women with flu affect the baby?

About 40% of pregnant women are likely to have steam, runny nose due to slip. This condition can happen at any time, but it is mainly in the first or third trimester of pregnancy, making it difficult for pregnant women.

What's the difference between colds and flu?

The common cold and the flu may seem similar at first. Both are respiratory illnesses and can cause similar symptoms. But different viruses cause these two conditions. Your symptoms can help you tell the difference between them.

How to improve nasal congestion caused by sinusitis at home

The changing seasons, dry air are conditions for the onset of sinusitis. Nasal congestion is one of the common manifestations but causes discomfort for patients.

What should pregnant mothers pay attention to when using the drug to avoid affecting the fetus
Pregnant women need to be very cautious with these drugs. Because many drugs can cross the placenta, affecting the development of the fetus. So what should pregnant women pay attention to when taking pills?
Help your baby get rid of a runny nose with CAM XUYEN HUONG (Granule)
The granule product is made specifically for young children are an effective and safe medicine in the treatment of runny nose for babies.
Top 5 reasons why mothers should choose Cam Xuyen Huong bath water for babies
Cam Xuyen Huong Yen Bai Bath Water is suitable for all subjects, especially good for children. Used to make bath water, shampoo, foot bath, help relieve symptoms of flu, colds and prevent colds.
Treat colds from Angelica
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The importance of post-covid health checks
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7 simple ways to prevent the flu

Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses. The disease begins suddenly and usually lasts 7-10 days. Most people make a full recovery, but in the elderly, young children, and people with weakened immune systems, influenza can turn serious, even leading to death from complications.

Nutrition for people with flu

Due to fatigue when having a cold, the patient often does not want to eat. Accompanied by a sore throat, it is also difficult to chew and swallow. Therefore, caregivers need to pay attention to preparing liquid, easy-to-digest foods that are suitable for the patient's taste

Foods to eat and avoid to help people with colds and flu recover quickly

When sick with the flu, most people are very tired and feel like they are exhausted. Patients need to rest, increase nutrition to improve resistance to prevent complications and quickly recover health.

What to eat to increase resistance, fight colds?

The wet and humid weather in winter and spring makes respiratory diseases caused by viral and bacterial infections increase. Examples include colds and flu. The common cold is an upper respiratory infection caused by many different viruses.

Combining traditional medicine with modern medicine in medical examination and treatment
The method of combining traditional medicine with modern medicine is the combination of medical examination and treatment methods of traditional medicine with medical examination and treatment methods of modern medicine on the same patient in order to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment to ensure safety, effective.
Ligusticum striatum and Angelica dahurica: A duo of precious medicinal herbs for panacea
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A Guide to Administering Influenza Vaccines in Special Populations: Focus on Patients Who Are Immunocompromised

Seasonal influenza virus is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality each year in the United States. Most people recover from influenza illness without requiring medical attention; however, among those who are immunocompromised, influenza can cause severe illness, complications, and death. Patients who are immunocompromised experience greater morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable illnesses, including influenza, due to an insufficient immune response. Because of these risks, influenza vaccination is a critical strategy to prevent infection in this patient population.

FDA Issues EUA for Combined Test for COVID-19, RSV, Influenza

FDA has granted an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the combined test of the BD MAX Molecular Diagnostic System by Becton, Dickinson, and Company for SARS-CoV-2, influenza A+B, and respiratory syncytial virus. respiratory tract (RSV).