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Is it dangerous to catch a cold while on chemotherapy?

People who are receiving chemotherapy are more likely to catch colds and flu because the treatments weaken their immune systems. This condition can lead to serious problems. Therefore, you need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of colds, flu and other infections.

What complications can a child with a cold lead to?
During the transition period, respiratory diseases in children often increase, especially colds. In order for children to receive the best care when they have a cold, parents need to know how to properly care for their children at home, as well as know when to take their children to a medical facility.
When to take antibiotics for sinusitis
Sinusitis is a common nasopharyngeal pathology, which causes many unpleasant symptoms and affects the quality of life of patients. In case of sinusitis confirmed diagnosis due to a bacterial agent, antibiotic therapy is necessary to improve symptoms and prevent dangerous complications.
10 signs of COVID-19 like the common flu

Flu and COVID-19 may have common symptoms. Here are 10 common symptoms of COVID-19 that resemble the common flu…

1. Fever

One of the most common symptoms is fever. Both flu and COVID-19 show fever and high fever. However, a fever in COVID-19 can last for 4-5 days, while in flu the fever will clear up on its own in 2-3 days.

2. Cough

Cough occurs in both COVID-19 and influenza. Coughs in flu can occur on day 2 or 3, while coughs caused by COVID-19 usually appear after a few days.

3. Sore throat

Sore throats are very common with both the flu and COVID-19. However, the pain caused by COVID-19 is more severe than the flu.

4. Tired

Both the flu and COVID-19 cause fatigue, leaving people feeling exhausted. However, in terms of intensity, COVID-19 causes more fatigue than the flu.

5. Headache

This is also a common symptom of flu and COVID-19. With COVID-19 the headache can be more intense and doesn't go away within a few days, while if you have a headache from the flu, the pain will usually subside in one to two or maybe two to three days.

6. Runny nose

 Nosebleeds can occur in both cases, but it is more common with the flu than with COVID-19 and the intensity in the flu also seems to be more than that of COVID-19.

 7. Body ache

With COVID-19 body aches are more intense than flu. However, in COVID-19, body aches last several days, while in flu it subsides after one to two or two to three days.

 8. Diarrhea or vomiting

 Both COVID-19 and the flu can cause diarrhea. However, the intensity is much more severe in COVID-19 disease, but more common in influenza.

 9. Shortness of breath

Difficulty breathing is also common in both of these diseases, but in COVID-19, if you have shortness of breath, this is considered a very serious symptom, requiring hospitalization for prompt treatment (because of lung involvement). ). During the flu, shortness of breath occurs in some people, but not much, and the shortness of breath is less severe than with COVID-19.

 10. Loss of sense of smell

 In flu patients, we can sometimes see a loss of smell due to nasal congestion, but this is more common in COVID-19 patients