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Top 5 reasons why mothers should choose Cam Xuyen Huong bath water for babies

The skin of babies, especially babies, is often very thin and unstable like the skin of adults. Therefore, the care of the skin of the child is very important. You need to pay attention to the environmental conditions around your baby, carefully consider when choosing products such as clothes, towels or shampoo, especially shower gel. Shower gel is a product used directly on the baby's skin daily. Therefore, choosing the right baby shampoo will help your baby's skin become more and more complete.

On the market today, there are many bath products with a variety of designs and designs. Therefore, choosing which product is suitable for your baby in addition to the price and design, parents should also pay attention to the composition and clear origin of the product. Inherited from Cam Xuyen Huong Yen Bai remedy, Cam Xuyen Huong Bath Water is one of the first choices for mothers when choosing baby bath products.


1. Ingredients extracted 100% from nature

Cam Xuyen Huong Bath Water with extracts from 6 precious herbs: Piercing, Angelica, Incense, Cinnamon, Canqiang, Licorice has been proven in reducing and preventing infections. The composition is 100% natural and friendly to the child's skin. In addition, it does not contain parabens, preservatives, colorants to ensure safety and benign for baby's skin.

2. Convenience

Cam Xuyen Huong Yen Bai Bath Water is a 2 in 1 baby bath water that is extremely loved by mothers because of its convenience. The product not only cares for and cherishes the baby's skin from head to toe, but also protects the baby's health. If mothers love convenience, saving time, storage space but also protecting the baby's health, Cam Yen Bai Xuyen Huong Bath Water is a perfect choice.

3. No need to rinse with water

The product is used by dilution with water.

For bathing: Add 20 ml of solution (about 1 bottle cap) mixed with 10 liters of water at the appropriate temperature, wash for 10-15 minutes depending on the baby's condition.

And especially after bathing, just wipe dry, without rinsing.

4. Does not contain soap and does not cause stinging of the baby's eyes

With a 100% solution extract from natural herbs, the product is safe and benign without creating soapy foams, gentle and does not cause stinging of the baby's eyes.

5. Works to reduce and prevent cold infections

Children, especially infants, are very susceptible to surrounding factors such as dirt, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that make their bodies very susceptible to weakness and infection and fevers. The use of drugs for babies is also worth paying attention to because these are very special subjects. To limit those things, Cam Xuyen Huong Yen Bai bath water is a perfect choice for mothers because it not only takes care of the baby's skin. The product also works to reduce and prevent symptoms of cold.

For the above 5 reasons, Cam Xuyen Huong Yen Bai Bath Water believes that it will be an option for mothers in choosing bath water products. And believe that you will always receive trust from mothers when using products for babies.