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Treat colds from Angelica

1. Angelica tree overview?
Angelica is also known as bach chieu, incense thread, nine li truc can, rhododendron, huanhuan, orchid, lingzhi, ly hieu, oriental incense ... The plant is 0.5-1m tall or more, perennial. The body is hollow, unbranched. The leaves are large with peduncles, the lower part develops into a flat hugging the stem, the leaf blade is 2-3 times pinnate, the edge is toothed, hairy on the veins of the upper surface. Double-crowned inflorescences grow at the tops. Small white flowers. The fruit is dead, flattened.

The plant grows wild and is grown medicinally in regions with a cold climate in high mountainous areas. Medicinal parts are tuber roots, collected and washed, cut off dried or lightly dried roots, preserved for medicinal purposes.

In terms of chemical composition, angelica root contains essential oils, coumarins: byak- angelicin, byak- angelicol, oxypeucedanin, imperatorin, isoimperatorin, xanthotoxin ... In terms of biological effects, angelica decoction has a coronary vasodilator effect, due to the presence of coumarin: byak-angelicol. Inhibitory effect on some strains of bacteria: typhoid (Salmonella Typhy), paratyphoid (para Typhi), anthrax bacillus, dysentery bacillus, colon bacillus (Escherichia coli), tuberculosis bacillus, green pus bacillus ...

2. Pharmacological and therapeutic effects
Modern research shows that angelica has an analgesic effect, stimulates the nerve center. Substances in this medicinal herb also work to increase acid secretion in the stomach and inhibit the growth of certain types of pathogenic bacteria, such as Gram++ bacteria, dysentery bacillus, typhoid or tuberculosis bacteria. Pommade in angelica has the ability to prevent and treat corneal glares caused by light burns. Angelicotoxin when used in small doses stimulates the vasomotor center, causing blood pressure to rise According to traditional medicine, angelica has antibacterial, analgesic, helps with blight, destroys pus, eliminates leprosy, detoxifying, statistic, active blood, low apple.

Treatment of:

+ Flu

+ Sweating thieves

+ Rhinitis, sinusitis, internal runny nose

+ Headache, root pain, eye pain

+ Postpartum disease, leprosy, dizziness

+ Fever in children

+ Boils, nails

+ Leukemia

+ Defecation, bloody urination

+ Detoxification due to snake bites or infection from jelly ...

3. Administration and dosage

Angelica root is used in doses of 3-6 g a day or higher depending on the doctor's recommendations.

The forms of use of the drug are as follows:

+ Drink decoction

+ Powder canopy for finishing

+ Cooking bath water

+ Making fumigants, soaking