Medicinal ingredients 100% natural origin

Cyperus rotundus L.
Bitter taste, warm properties have the effect of relieving anxiety, regulating business.
Elsholtzia ciliata
The spicy taste, the temper, has the effect of speaking away from the wind, benefiting the pharynx, clearing the heat, spreading the stasis, and breaking the bond
Platycodon grandiflorus
Bitter taste, average calculation has the effect of tempering cold phlegm, except for pus, oropharyngeal gums.
Aster tataricus
Spicy, bitter, temperate; into the scrotum. Has a sputum effect only.
Glycyrrhiza uralensis
It has a sweet taste, is average, has the effect of supplementing the spleen and stomach, laxatives, clearing heat, detoxifying, and regulating drugs.
Sweet and spicy taste, warm properties have the effect of muscle release, moderate meridians and yang.
Citrus deliciusae
Has aroma, spicy, bitter taste, warm properties, the effect of regulating blood, sputum, and spleen conditions.
Zingiber officinale
The spicy, warm properties have the effect of explaining and exhaling.
Ligusticum striatum
Cross-frame is a species of flowering plant in the family Canopyaceae or is used as a medicine. Cross-frame is from the Chinese character 川芎. This is a plant native to the North China region, but the source of the highest quality medicinal herb is Sichuan. Cross-frame usually produces white flowers in the fall.
Angelica dahurica
The spicy, warm properties have the effect of spreading the cold, only the system, and the inflammation.

Other products

Cam Xuyen Huong bath powder
Preventing and supporting the treatment of colds and flu.
Packing Box of 1 pack x 100g powder
Dosage forms Powder
Usage Preventing and supporting the treatment of colds and flu.
Active ingredient - Content Rhizoma Ligustici Wallichii
Radix Paconiae lactiflorae
Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata Poria
Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae
Radix Glycyrrhizae
Herba Leonuri
Radix Angelicae sinensis
Radix Codonopsis

Cam Xuyen Huong bath water
Reduces flu and cold symptoms. Prevention of colds
Pakaging Box of 1 bottle x 250 ml
Dosage form Solution
Usage Relieves cold and flu symptoms, prevents colds.
Active ingredient - Content Xuyen Khung........14.5g
Bach Chi....18 g
Huong Phu.........14.5 g
Que Nhuc ........1.7 g
Can Khuong.........1.7 g
Cam Thao Bac....0.6 g

Cam Xuyen Huong Syrup
Treats flu, cold, headache, sneezing, runny nose
Paking Box of 1 bottle x 60 ml
Dosage forms Syrup
Usage Treats flu, cold, headache, sneezing, runny nose caused by cold.
Active ingredient - Content Radix Platycodi grandiflori
Herba Elsholtziae ciliatae
Radix et Rhizoma Asteris tatarici
Radix Stemonae tuberosae
Rhizoma Ligustici Wallichii
Rhizoma Cyperi
Radix Glycyrrhizae
Pericarpium Citri reticulatae perenne

Cam Xuyen Huong Nuggets
Cough and flu treatment
Packing Box of 20 sachets x 2 g of nuggets
Dosage forms Piece of nuggets
Usage Treats flu, cold, headache, sneezing, runny nose caused by cold.
Active ingredient - Content Rhizoma Ligustici Wallichii
Radix Paconiae lactiflorae
Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata Poria
Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae
Radix Glycyrrhizae
Herba Leonuri
Radix Angelicae sinensis
Radix Codonopsis

Cam Xuyen Huong Capsules
Cough and flu treatment
Packaging Box of 6 blisters x 10 tablets
Dosage form Capsule
Usage Treats flu, cold, headache, sneezing, runny nose caused by cold.
Active ingredient - Content
Rhizoma Ligustici Wallichii
Radix Paconiae lactiflorae
Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata Poria
Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae, Radix Glycyrrhizae
Herba Leonuri
Radix Angelicae sinensis
Radix Codonopsis

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