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Ligusticum striatum and Angelica dahurica: A duo of precious medicinal herbs for panacea
Ligusticum striatum and  Angelica dahurica: are two precious medicines that are used a lot in the treatment of diseases. In traditional medicine, these two medicines are often combined with each other in colds, leprosy, headaches ...
A Guide to Administering Influenza Vaccines in Special Populations: Focus on Patients Who Are Immunocompromised

Seasonal influenza virus is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality each year in the United States. Most people recover from influenza illness without requiring medical attention; however, among those who are immunocompromised, influenza can cause severe illness, complications, and death. Patients who are immunocompromised experience greater morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable illnesses, including influenza, due to an insufficient immune response. Because of these risks, influenza vaccination is a critical strategy to prevent infection in this patient population.

FDA Issues EUA for Combined Test for COVID-19, RSV, Influenza

FDA has granted an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the combined test of the BD MAX Molecular Diagnostic System by Becton, Dickinson, and Company for SARS-CoV-2, influenza A+B, and respiratory syncytial virus. respiratory tract (RSV).

Combining traditional medicine with modern medicine in medical examination and treatment

The method of combining traditional medicine with modern medicine is the combination of medical examination and treatment methods of traditional medicine with medical examination and treatment methods of modern medicine on the same patient in order to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment to ensure safety, effective.

1. Traditional medicine methods combined with modern medicine in medical examination and treatment

In medical examination: Use the Four Roots, including: echo, text, question, design.

In healing: Use of medicinal methods including: Soaking, placing medicines, fumigating drugs, aerosols, medicine bundles, compresses, traditional medicines for external use, oral medicines, parenteral drugs and other suitable routes of administration.

Use non-pharmacological methods including: Massage, acupressure, nourishment, qigong, stinging, saving, cupping, thread implantation, pricking, wind scraping and others.

2. Modern medical methods combined with traditional medicine in medical examination and treatment

In medical examination: Using the equipment of modern medicine for medical examination, using subclinical results such as tests, functional exploration, imaging and other examination methods to diagnose diseases.

In medical treatment: Using chemical and pharmaceutical drugs, medicinal drugs, equipment and active ingredients licensed for circulation by the Ministry of Health in Vietnam and methods and technical expertise of modern medicine combined with methods and technical expertise of traditional medicine to treat according to pathological conditions, the stage of the patient's disease, monitoring the course of treatment and evaluating the results of treatment.

3. Promote the quintessence of the two medicines

The advantage of "medicine" is the creative application of ancient philosophies to diagnose and treat diseases. Therefore, oriental medicine doctors always have a comprehensive way of looking at patients, from which there is an adjustment and improvement of the body's resistance to overcome diseases; very suitable for the prevention requirements of many chronic diseases today.

In particular, medicines and non-medicinal measures (nourishment, acupuncture massage, culinary therapy ...) are of natural origin, familiar, friendly to humans and always available anytime, anywhere, mostly less toxic, few side effects.

Modern medicine thanks to the application of advanced technological achievements of humanity with modern equipment, strong medicinal chemicals, can diagnose, intervene and treat promptly and effectively emergency, surgical, acute and infectious diseases... Even if necessary, it is possible to transplant, replace pathological organs. However, the limitation of modern medicine is that patients, even doctors, are prone to drug abuse. Abused medicinal substances, which are unprecedented in nature, alien to the human body, have been causing many harmful effects to human health...

Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of improving health, safety, efficiency, modernity and accessibility in medical examination and treatment, the trend of countries is to combine the two medicines comprehensively and closely. Combining the two main medicines is an advanced step of the inheritance process, in the process of combining each medicine needs to select, retain the quintessential parts, remove and limit the toxic and backward parts, to build a true medicine for people, for humans.