1. Causes of children catching colds
A cold is an inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract caused by a virus. The disease can be seen in all subjects, most commonly in children. A child can catch a cold more than 8 times per year, which mainly occurs when the weather changes seasons.
Although the majority of cold infections are mild, the nuisance symptoms of the illness make children feel tired, affecting their life and learning. In some subjective cases, the disease becomes serious and causes many dangerous complications for the child.
There are many strains of viruses that can cause colds in children, of which Rhinovirus is the most common. The viruses that cause this disease are mainly spread through direct contact. Children can get the virus by coming into contact with virus-containing droplets that are released into the outside environment when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks or comes into direct contact with the source of the disease (saliva, nasal discharge, hands...) and then touches their eyes, nose, mouth.
In addition, the virus can survive for quite a long time on surfaces. Therefore, children can become infected when sharing personal items, toys of patients with colds.
2. Several factors increase the risk of catching a cold in a child
- Children with weakened immune systems, diseases that cause immunodeficiency.
- Children who smoke passively.
- Children living in polluted and humid environments.
- Children are not kept warm carefully and properly in the cold season.
- Children with weather allergies.
- Young children of school age, kindergarten or frequent visits to crowded places.
3. Manifestations of a child with a cold
Symptoms appear after 1-2 days of exposure. In children, nasal congestion is a prominent symptom. The child may also have a runny nose with clear, yellow or green water; fever (temperature higher than 38 degrees Celsius) is a common symptom in the first 3 days of illness.
Other symptoms include: Sore throat, cough, fussiness, trouble sleeping and decreased appetite. The nasal mucosa may swell red, the lymph nodes in the neck may be slightly enlarged.
Cold symptoms are usually most severe in the first 10 days. However, some children have symptoms of runny nose, nasal congestion, and upper cough that lasts for more than 10 days.
Also, it's not uncommon for children to catch a 2nd cold when their first symptoms subside, which may indicate that they seem to have a cold that lasts for weeks or even months, especially during autumn and winter. This is not a cause for concern, if there are not any serious symptoms.
Children with colds often present with a runny nose, cough with phlegm and often worse at night. This makes parents worried, but there are also many subjective people, so it will lead to dangers to the health of children.
4. Common complications when children have a cold
- Prone to otitis media, ear discharge, rhinosinusitis... If not treated in time, it can lead to more troublesome complications in the intracranium.
- Possible bronchitis, pneumonia. About 20 to 25 percent of children with the common cold are more likely to develop pneumonia. Onset of an asthma attack if a cold occurs in a pediatric asthma patient. About 80% of children who have an asthma attack have a cold virus infection.
5. When does a child with a cold need an emergency?
Some signs to take your child to the emergency room right away
- Sleeping, unshakable, awakening.
- The child is so sick that he cannot drink water, how much he vomits, repeats several times; The child has seizures, more severe than cyanosis.
- Children under 2 months old: Skip breastfeeding (children are so tired that they cannot feed or do not feed 1/2 of the normal amount of milk).
- Continuous high fever above 39 degrees Celsius for 2-3 days does not decrease.
- Coughing up blood, coughing up yellow or green sputum with a foul or purulent odor.
- A persistent cough that does not get better after 1 week, despite appropriate treatment.
- Thoracic concave breathing (when inhaling the lower part of the chest that is concave and hollow).
- Rapid breathing: Counts breathing when babies lie still, do not cry, do not suck. Looking at the child's abdomen, each time the belly chest undulates is a beat. Count for 60 seconds, then compare it with your rapid breathing threshold.
+ Under 2 months old: Rapid breathing threshold is 60 breaths/minute.
+ From 2 months to 1 year old: From 50 times / minute or more is rapid breathing.
+ Over 1 year old: From 40 times/minute or more, rapid breathing.
6. What to do to prevent colds for children?
To prevent colds, when going out, wear a mask and wash your hands to limit infection. Avoid close contact, keep your distance from others, especially those with respiratory symptoms.
At the time of changing seasons, it is necessary to keep children warm flexibly. When it rains cold, it is necessary to wear appropriate clothes to avoid drafts. When it is hot, it is necessary to use cooling means such as fans, air conditioners accordingly to make children comfortable, not harmful to health.
In addition, parents need to provide children with adequate nutrients. In particular, during this season, it is necessary to feed children fruits fortified with vitamins to help increase resistance and fight diseases.