

Inheriting from the ancient Vietnamese remedy, Cam Xuyen Huong Yen Bai with 100% natural medicinal ingredients crystallized from nearly 10 precious herbs brings a set of products with many different dosage forms from capsules, syrups, nuggets, bath powder and bath water can be used for both adults and children.

Number :
Cam Xuyen Huong Nuggets
Cough and flu treatment
Packing Box of 20 sachets x 2 g of nuggets
Dosage forms Piece of nuggets
Usage Treats flu, cold, headache, sneezing, runny nose caused by cold.
Active ingredient - Content Rhizoma Ligustici Wallichii
Radix Paconiae lactiflorae
Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata Poria
Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae
Radix Glycyrrhizae
Herba Leonuri
Radix Angelicae sinensis
Radix Codonopsis